Classic Roses

from CA$60.00

A classic bouquet of roses to wow that special person in your life! Choose your colour, size and write a note to let them know who it’s from!

Please note: Colours are subject for substitution if unavilable

Throw it in the bag!

A classic bouquet of roses to wow that special person in your life! Choose your colour, size and write a note to let them know who it’s from!

Please note: Colours are subject for substitution if unavilable

A classic bouquet of roses to wow that special person in your life! Choose your colour, size and write a note to let them know who it’s from!

Please note: Colours are subject for substitution if unavilable

Designers Choice Hand Tied
from CA$70.00
Designers Choice Arrangement
from CA$90.00
Malibu Barbie
Spice Me Up Bouquet
from CA$50.00
Take My Breath Away Bouquet
from CA$110.00